How to download
Hello here is a step by step guide on how to download everthing the right way
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Hello here is a step by step guide on how to download everthing the right way
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First we are going to prepare your setup.
Make a folder where you wish to download (make sure it's not inside of a OneDrive folder).
Go to your antivirus settings and make exception or exclusion on the newly made folder.
Go to webrowser and enable in settings in section downloads and turn on the "ask where to download" (depends on what browser but overal the same)
now that you are done wiht the little prep, you won't need to mess with turning off your antivirus ever again. Also don't forget to download the dotnet 6 in Operation Throwback in channel r6downloader.
Now that you installed dotnet it's time you download the r6downloader
download the r6downloader in r6download channel.
choose your folder (the one with exclusion just saying)
click on r6downloader todo it's thing
insert legacy name (aka your first name aka your login name, check picture)
Make sure to download the correct downloader because steam updates it's api and so does the depotdownloader.
choose your game you like to download and while you at it read the faqs too because yes
press enter to continue if still waiting check taskmanager if it's using resources if not restart it and try again.
now go to your game, normaly you should see codex.ini if not copy the correct crack from the resource/plaza/ folder. Check the faqs for the correct version of the crack.\
Open the codex.ini file and change your gamename to an unique name. (will crash if you have multiple versions). while you at it change username to random thing doesn't need to be unique.
Go to the #tools channel and download megabastard. Extract where you want to.
Next go to #downloads channel and click on Rainbow Six Siege.
After that choose a season you like and click on the all links.txt, copy all the links.
Go back to the megabastard tool you downloaded and press on the button edit > settings. Change the download folder to the folder you excluded in windows antivirus. (you can do this earlier too)
Click on file > new downloads and paste all the links and then you press next to download everything.
After you are done downloading, Right click the main zip file and extract here.
Check if there is a crack inside your game if not, download the crack and paste it in the game.
Open the ini file and check if the gamename has a uniquename and have another username (could be still JVAV).