Section for the tool R6downloader
No R6: Operation Throwback staff will ever ask for your Steam account information.
Why does the Downloader need my Steam account?
Our tools download old Siege versions directly from Steam servers. This operation requires a Steam account which owns Siege.
Is it safe to enter my password?
Yes, our tools are based on the open source project Depot Downloader.
How do I verify my game files and what is the meaning of verify
Run the downloader again, it will skip files you already have downloaded (make sure to add an exclusion) aka run the downloader without deleting it. Due to the nature of data transmission over the Internet, it can sometime fail and make you download corrupt files. Verifying the files verifies every file you downloaded in search of download errors. In case it finds any, it will only re-download the corrupt files, making it a much faster way to solve problems than re-downloading everything.
Why am i getting "Encountered unexpected error downloading chunk xxxxxxxxxxxx: The operation was canceled." errors?
Its normal ignore them. Wait, if downloader said done , restart and select the same season
How do I download to another drive?
Select the folder with your downloader snip it aka ctrl+x and then paste it to your destination ctrl+v
Do I need the normal (live built) siege installed?
Dotnet is not recognized as a command
Make sure you have dotnet installed from microsoft if that is done, restart pc
Why is my download stuck at X percent?
The final files are larger and take longer to download and check your internet usage with taskmanager
What is sku Rus and what country has it
sku RUS is a version other then the normal global version. A Couple country's have this certain version (see image below). If you want the normal global version make sure to have an account outside of the certain country's and make sure to not buy from a key market place that sells game keys for cheap.
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